#6. Veggie stuffed sweet potato

Have I mentioned that my “recipes” are super simple?

This one is so simple that it barely counts as a recipe, IMO. However, because it makes such a quick and healthy lunch (perfect for preparing at work), and because it’s chock full of complex carbs and veggies, and because sweet potatoes are so good for us, I figured it was worth including here.

Word of warning: this recipe makes heavy use of the microwave. I know not everyone is a fan of this particular appliance, but in our RV, we use it all the time because it doesn’t heat up our rig.


Veggie Stuffed Sweet Potato (makes 1 serving)


  • One medium-sized sweet potato
  • Handful of grape tomatoes
  • 1/2 sweet pepper (or 3-4 small sweet peppers), chopped
  • 5-6 fresh or frozen broccoli florets
  • 1/2 tbsp slivered almonds
  • Hot sauce (optional)
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)


  1. Use a sharp knife to poke 4-5 gashes in the sweet potato.
  2. Microwave the sweet potato on high for 5 minutes. Check for doneness. If needed, microwave for two additional minutes. Set aside.
  3. Place all of the veggies in a microwave-safe container and add ~1 inch of water. Cover. Microwave for two minutes (if the veggies are all fresh) or 3 1/2 minutes (if the broccoli is frozen) to steam. Carefully drain the hot water. Avoid giving yourself a steam burn in the process. (I often overlook this last directive.)
  4. Slice the sweet potato in half and mash it up a bit. Pour the veggies over the potato, and top with slivered almonds. Season with salt, pepper, and hot sauce, if desired.

21DF equivalent: 1.5Y, 1G

Bonus joke:

Q: Why did the sweet potato cross the road?

A: She saw a fork up ahead.

Keep yamming out,
